


Didjeridoo Artisan
“I make and sell didjeridoos made out of bamboo and agave cactus, some painted, some designed with torch.”

Lessons & Workshops
“I give classes on how to play the didjeridoo to individuals, or groups, for beginners or advanced players.”

Vibrational Healing
“While playing the didjeridoo I get rid of tension, and stress, as well as negative energy from the body. when I finish a session you are totally relaxed, and stress free. Private sessions last up to an hour. I also provide half sessions, and mini sessions with great results. I can perform this feat to a small group an audience. I can do any of these sessions to individuals anywhere in the world over the phone.”

Chakra Balancing
“I open up the chakras, clear them out, line them up, and balance them for you, as well as clear the aura.”

Life Consultant
“I talk to you about your health, your diet, problems related your mind, body and spirit; setting and achieving your goals. Also how to maintain a positive attitude, etc.”


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